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Hot Rod Magazine, Cool Hot Rod and Thrill Driver’s Choice [vintage videos]

September 20, 2012

We love all vintage. That’s nothing new. Every now and then I discover a hidden internet treasures. This time, I found a youtube channel featuring great original vintage footage from the 50’s.


Ingenuity In Action (1959)

The first video, “Ingenuity In Action” is one of my favorites. An original Hot Rod Magazine video showing a bunch of guys having fun with their hot rods. The cars and all the street scenes are great, full of dream cars. Pay attention to the orange trailer they use. The best shots are at minute 6:26 and 9:40. A great inspiration for a scratch building project. I would love to build that trailer.


Cool Hot Rod (1953)

This second one also shows the real, original hot rod fellas. As you see, no tattoos, no crazy outfits, just normal guys. Nowadays, every time you visit a hot rod show you get the impression that the scene has always been that way, with cool fellas full of tattoos making scary faces.
If you want to be “original” you are just a “normal guy” with a great passion for cars… something like Chip Foose today.


Thrill Driver’s Choice (1956)

This third video is just great. Look at those ’56 Chevy driving around like crazy. It’s really good to see what this car can take. Actually much more than I thought.
I just love the intro music and the way the announcer talks.


Do you also like vintage videos?

If you have any videos that you want to share with us, or just want to share your opinion on this videos, please, leave a comment below!


Bill Middlekauff October 1, 2012 at 5:59 pm

Thanks,Thanks,Thanks, for all three videos.
Where can someone get these Video and other of the early dray racing video?
Great dioramas, keep up the good work.

Thank Guys

Cliff October 5, 2013 at 2:37 am

Thank You for the Vintage Drag Racing Videos. I enjoyed and it was good to see the Old Detroit Drag Way again,- now sadly gone but those were great memories you gave back to me. Thanks again Cliff

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